
Taking Action for Your 2040 Years 5 & 6 Student Worksheet

Name: …………………………………….. Class: …………..   

Thought Starter: What is your 2040?

Taking action for 2040

In this part of the lesson, you will be working in groups to plan and implement an action, based around your ‘How might we…?’ question. Write your final ‘How might we…?’ question below:

How might we…

After working on some ideas for action, use the S.M.A.R.T goals criteria to help you choose one.

Specific – ensure that your idea is clear and has a narrow focus. 
Measurable – can you measure your idea? Stay on track by asking: how will I know when it’s done?
Achievable – aim high, but make sure your project idea is something you can actually do
Relevant – is your idea linked to what you are trying to achieve? Will your idea help you achieve your desired result? 
Time-bound – a deadline will help establish a sense of urgency and help you keep your project focused and on-track. 

What action would you like to take in response to your ‘How might we…?’ question. Record how you and your group will address the question in the space below:

Project Planning

Use the Project Planning Tool to plan your social action.

Execute The Project

Use the Project Checklist to help keep track of what you need to do to deliver your project.


Work independently to think about your project and answer the following questions:

Give a short overview of the action your group took.

Was our project a success? Why or why not?

What parts were the most successful and why?

What were the least successful and why? How could we improve these parts?
Overall, how could we improve, extend or continue the action?

What challenges did we face and how did we overcome them?

How could we extend or continue our project?


Which of your skills and interests were involved in delivering your social action project?
How did you contribute to your group’s success?

What would you do differently next time?

What was the best part of working on this project and why?

What was the most challenging part and why?

What are you most proud of?

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